| _ \ Bottiger.org
| |_) | _ _ _ By Arvid Böttiger
| _ < ___| |_| |_(_)__ _ ___ _ _ https://bottiger.org
| |_) |/ _ \ _| _| / _` / -_) '_|
|______/ \___/\__|\__|_\__, \___|_| Source: https://github.com/bottiger/ysap
# Also find me at
+ --------- + ------------------------------------- +
| Github | https://github.com/bottiger |
| LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bottiger/ |
+ --------- + ------------------------------------- +
# Personal Projects
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Trollme.sh |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| TrollMe.sh is a website and a script that aims to be the fastest way to install friendly |
| but annoying scripts on your friends' computers. These scripts perform amusing actions |
| to surprise them. Simply run the following command on their terminal: |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| https://trollme.sh |
| https://github.com/bottiger/trollme.sh |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Trolling with Love ❤️ Firefox Extension |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Trolling with Love is a Firefox extension designed for mischief and humor among friends. |
| It replaces a small percentage of images on web pages with images of Nicolas Cage or |
| ponies, based on user settings. This playful tool allows you to surprise and amuse your |
| friends as they browse the web. |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/trolling-with-love/ |
| https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bnoooompfljhcmpeompgjfibbkjfbofh |
| https://github.com/bottiger/trolling-with-love |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Soundwaves Podcast (Discountinued) |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| SoundWaves was a free, libre and open source app for fetching and listening to podcasts. |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| https://github.com/bottiger/SoundWaves |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
last updated: Tue Nov 26 21:42:51 utc 2024
# buy me a coffee
> https://buymeacoffee.com/bottiger